Additional Information for telepsych new Patients:

For Adults: 

Please download from website and complete the following intake forms:

  • Mental Health Intake form,
  • PHQ Questionnaire and
  • Telepsych consent.

Once completed, please send all documents, along with front and back of insurance card and photo ID to  Copay can be sent via zelle to,  Cashup to $VidaSarkodie, Venmo @Vida-Sarkodie. We also accept credit card payment. The telemedicine link is located on website.  Direct link:

For Children:

The following forms must be completed thoroughly by parent/guardian.

  • Mental Health Intake form,
  • children depression rating scale,
  • scaredchild, Telepsych consent.

Once completed, please send all documents, along with front and back of insurance card and photo ID to Downloadable Forms are located on the website. Copay can be sent via zelle to, Cashup to $VidaSarkodie, Venmo @Vida-Sarkodie.  We also accept credit card payment.   The telemedicine link is located on website.  Direct link: